Flexible, cloud native healthcare services
The OX.DH suite of services are incredibly flexible because we started with usability at their core, working closely with clinicians to design practical, consistent, easy to use systems and processes
Our services can be used standalone, or to wrap around incumbent software solutions. They can be used vertically within a single medical speciality - like maternity or assisted reproduction - or horizontally as a service like a waiting room.
Because they wrap around existing legacy systems and are cloud based, they scale easily and efficiently. An OX.DH service will deliver benefits to a department, a clinic, a surgery, a hospital or a whole health service
pregnancy & maternity
The only single system that simply connects mothers, midwives, clinicians and data.
virtual clinic
The cloud native system connecting patients, clinicians and data seamlessly.
assisted reproduction
Cloud native infrastruc-ture for assisted repro-duction facilities with one or more branches.
Interested in learning more?
Find out how OX.DH has helped organisations like yours connect clinicians, patients and data to drive better outcomes.