The Rotherham NHS Trust with OX.DH: a Microsoft Customer Story

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Clinicians looking at an X-ray on screen

We were absolutely delighted that the Rotherham NHS Trust has been featured as a customer story on the Microsoft website.  

We worked with the team at Rotherham to help transform the way they used digital services to deliver patient outcomes. 

Using Microsoft Teams and Power BI they have used data analytics to drive efficiencies and have created a telehealth solution from scratch.  They have customised OX.virtual waiting room to meet their needs, so that patients can make appointments online and the clinical teams can host remote consultations using Microsoft Teams.

Read the full case study to find out more about how OX and Microsoft has helped the Rotherham NHS trust to rise to the complex challenges of the last few years.

Transforming healthcare delivery with virtual consultations on Microsoft Teams 

Want to find out how you can better implement remote appointment technology into your practice or service?

OX Virtual Waiting Room is a resilient, secure, and simple solution. Speak to one of the team today.